
Sync your payroll data with Justworks

Connect your Justworks account and manage all your employee operations in one place hassle-free. Connect your staff costs with your financial analytics and get the most accurate CAC and departmental expense data on the market. Sync your payroll data with Calqulate and find out your true customer acquisition cost. 

Total staff costs

Get full visibility on your spending

View exactly where your money is going. Get a full run-down of your overall spend, costs, and tools. This is one of those times when it’s ok to be a know-it-all.

Learn more on the Calqulate Academy
Staff  costs forecast

A glimpse into the future

With Calqulate you can analyze and forecast your customer acquisition costs that relate to staff costs. So you avoid the financial challenges & know when and where to hit the accelerator and grow. 

Learn more about forecasting your growth
CAC breakdown

Be at the top of your game with CAC Breakdown

Map each employee to the correct place in your Profit and Loss.

By breaking down your staff costs and assigning your expenses to the correct section of your P&L you can gain deeper insight into your Cost of Sales and R&D spend.

You have complete control over where your salaries appear in your financial statement.

Become a cashflow expert with Calqulate Academy

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